Institution: Rigshospitalet
Country: Denmark
Department: Danish Center for Hemoglibinopathies, Department of Hematology
Department e-mail:
Contact persons: Andreas Glenthøj, Jesper Petersen
Department activity: Clinical management, Diagnostic
Type of patients in Follow-up: Pediatrics, Adults
Diagnostic methodologies: Genetics
Number of PKD adult patients (≥ 18 years): 18
Number of PKD patients adults with genetic analysis performed: 18
Number of PKD adult patients (≥ 18 years): 18
Number of PKD patients adults with genetic analysis performed: 18
Number of PKD adult patients (≥ 18 years): 18
Number of PKD patients adults with genetic analysis performed: 18
Perform PK enzyme activity assay: No
Externalize PK activity quantitative assay: Yes
Perform PKLR genetic characterization: Yes
Method used for PKLR genetic characterization: Sanger, NGS
Turn-around-time?: 120 hours
Offer genetic counselling for PKD: Yes
Have prenatal diagnosis for PKD available: Yes